
Wednesday, 17 October 2012


source : google

keyfobs keychain/ gift set / wrist key chain..
idea untuk souvenir for wedding,kenduri aqiqah,besday,or ape2 je..

berminat blh email saya

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Monday, 15 October 2012

Maternity Leave

As salam, lama sangat tak update blog ni.
saya cuti bersalin for 3 months.
alhamdullillah semuanya dalam keadaan baik.
dalam pantang2 tu masih dapat lagi buat 
tempahan bag dari customer.

large tote bag with flip
order from Aida,untuk isi buku buku

large tote bag with flip
order from Hamizah,untuk isi buku buku

large tote bag
order from Aishah

curvy clutch medium size
Order from Fazli
(for her mom)

zip curvy clutch
(my mom order)

tote bag
order from Azizul
(for her mom)

tote bag with flip
order from Hatif
(for his wife)

box bag
order from Zaiton

Tote bag
order from Siti

large curvy clutch
order from Suziana

sling bag
order from Nana

culvy clutch sling bag
order from Nana

large tote bag
order from Wati

large tote bag
order from Suziana